Watch Episode 10 | Download the Plan
The projects in these two episodes, while very different from each other, highlight one of the fun parts of woodworking — the ability to go all-out. The wall cabinet was originally designed as a tool cabinet by Chris Schwarz of Popular Woodworking. Yup. A tool cabinet.
There are a lot of non-woodworkers who would scoff at making something so beautiful for “just a shop project.” I’d argue that woodworking tools deserve the same care as other items in a house. And the workshop is a special place for most woodworkers. So why not?
Of course, the cabinet can be built for inside-the-home storage, too. Or maybe you just need to build a couple of them.
Watch Episode 11 | Download the Plan
The other project is a patio table. It’s not a slap-together design. This one is meant to look like home furniture — but lives outside. We took time in selecting good-looking cedar and used rugged joinery. The round top offers just enough challenge to make things fun. The result is an eye-catching outdoor table that will be the envy of the neighborhood.
One more thing: When you complete an outdoor furniture project, you aren’t really done with it. Sun, rain, and temperature swings take a toll on the finish. Learn how to refresh your projects here.
If the Woodsmith Shop isn’t on in your area, contact your local public television station. Or stream episodes here.
Bonus Materials
As a staff, we enjoy learning about other woodworkers and seeing their shops. In that spirit, here’s a guided tour of Phil's tool cabinet.
A candle lantern (or two) is a fun project to give your patio some twilight sparkle. Even though lighting technology has moved way beyond candles, the gentle flicker still draws people in. In an instant, you’ve created a welcoming, comforting environment. Housing the candle in a lantern only heightens the experience and calls back to an earlier time.