I enjoy the projects that I build, and the custom branding iron that I purchased awhile back is a great way to personalize these finished pieces. But I’ve found it difficult to brand some projects in a discrete spot without the iron slipping or burning unevenly.
To solve this problem, I decided to create a simple guide that allows me to burn the brand onto a long, thin strip of wood. The strip fits into a slot in the base of the guide and is held in place by a toggle clamp, as shown in the photo. Operating it is simple. Once the brand is burned, I’ll loosen the toggle and advance the strip until the brand shows outside of the guides (main photo). Then clamp the strip again and repeat. After cutting the brands free, you can glue or nail them to your finished projects.
The branding iron is positioned by four pieces of ½ plywood that are sized and fashioned to trap the branding iron.
These measurements might not work for your branding iron. Size the guides to the iron that you have.