The crown molding for the built-in cabinets in issue 264 has an elegantly austere profile that’s simple to make. After cutting the pieces to their final size (and a scrap for test cuts), you can get to work at the table saw.
Start off by drawing the profile of the crown molding on a scrap that’s the same size as the crown material. Then follow the instructions in Figure 1.
Figure 2 is more of the same, just on the other side of the board. After all this beveled ripping is done, sand out any remaining blade marks before painting and installing the molding.
Figure 1
Draw the bevel locations on the end of the workpiece. Then sneak up on one side of the piece using the rip fence. Once the bevel is cut to the line, spin the board and trim the other side to match. Now make these rips on all the crown molding pieces.
Figure 2
The other side of the profile is created after flipping the scrap board end for end and sneaking up on the layout line in the same manner as before. Now the table saw is set up to complete the crown molding profile.