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Quick Tips Vol. 40

By: Erich Lage & Logan Wittmer
Some Handy Tips that Make Shop Life Easier

Micro Mesh Grits

06 13 01 Greg Kopp of Norwalk, IA kept losing the grit chart that came with his Micro Mesh sanding pads. Instead of relying on the chart to match the color to the grit, Greg has started to mark the grit with a fine-tipped marker on the edge of the sanding pads. Now, Greg can quickly see what grit the pad is.

Strop Cushion

06 13 03 Bill White of Grand Portage, MN often uses hold-downs in his work. However, using a hold down with softer woods can often leave dents in the workpiece. When chopping dovetails, Bill found that his leather strop was the perfect cushion to his holdfast. It keeps the workpeice from getting dented, and also keeps the strop close at hand. That way, while he works, Bill can quickly touch up his chisels while keeping his work protected.

Bright Tool Markings

06 13 05 Ronald Yoder of Burnsville, MN has found that reading the engraved names and sizes of wrenches in his shop to be difficult in low light. The solution he came up with is to use an oil paint pen. 06 13 06a The paint flows down into the recessed markings and after wiping away the excess, the wrenches are much easier to read.

Trimming Dowels

06 13 07 Logan Wittmer of Runnells, IA recently needed to trim some dowels flush on a project. Knowing that a flush trim saw can often scratch the surface, Logan used a sanding disc as a spacer when trimming the dowel. The thickness of the disc leaves the dowel slightly proud of the surface and it can be sanded flush.

Published: June 13, 2024
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