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Quick Tips Vol. 44

By: Erich Lage & Rob Petrie
Four Tips To Make Shop-Life Better.

Picking the Backing.

10 3 01 Tim DeKorte of Santa Maria, CA needed to remove the backing from double-sided tape adhered to his template. Using a pick (such as a dental pick or a vinyl weeder) made the job much easier, allowing him to snag the backing with the hook and pull it right off.

Hole In One.

10 3 03 Russell Griesmer of West Melbourne, FL had a recent project that called for drilling 96 pocket holes into 24 rails. With all these pieces, speed and efficiency were vital. 10 3 05 A golf tee served to plug the unneeded hole so he could focus solely on his drilling.

Hose Holder.

10 3 07 Bobby Mink of Oregonia, OH was doing quite a bit of sanding when he had the idea to use a tarp strap bungee to hold a dust collection hose down to his workbench. All he had to do was pull the elastic cord of the bungee up through the dog hole in the bench and secure it around the hose. 10 3 09 Then he could sand dust free.

Tape Marking.

10 3 11 Charles Mak of Calgary, Canada chose to use masking tape to mark the four corners a table top’s position. Once taped, he could remove the top to predrill the holes without having to fuss it back into position afterward.

Published: Oct. 3, 2024
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