Improved Grip.
John Finger of Chesterfield, VA had always gotten great use out of wood-handled F-clamps, but he found it became harder to get a good grip on them as the years went by.
By adding bicycle handle bar grips to his clamps, he now had a stronger, more comfortable grip
Easy Pattern Removal.
Dan Martin of Galena, OH was putting patterns on his workpieces, but he wanted an easy way to get the leftovers off once he was done.
He masked the surface with painters tape first, then used spray adhesive to attach the pattern, making for an easy removal.
Plumb Hand Drilling.
Charles Mak of Calgary, Alberta came up with this handy trick. By attaching a bubble level to his hand drills with a bit of CA glue (and ensuring his workbench was level), he was able to quickly make sure that his holes would be plumb.
Check multiple sides with a square to ensure the bubble is plumb before gluing.