Building a project touches a wide variety of disciplines. One that both fascinates and intimidates is the idea of woodworking design. On one hand, I'd love to be the kind of guy who can be recognized by the projects I build — along the lines of James Krenov or Michael Fortune. But a lot of times, my work takes place in established design languages: Shaker, Arts & Crafts, etc.
So when Dillon Baker stepped in on today's show while Logan is out sawing logs, it offered the perfect opportunity for John (another of our designers) and Dillon to geek out a bit. When I think "design," my mind wanders to esoteric conceptual pieces that skimp on function at the expense of making a statement.
However, John and Dillon have recently worked within an established motif (Shaker for Dillon and Arts & Crafts for John) that requires sensitivity to existing details while and the ability to translate that into relatable features for Woodsmith readers to build in their home shops.
During the course of the converstaion, they also talk about how their own passion for woodworking drives the projects they choose to design ... and when it's time to set aside the urge to go go bigger and better in order to reach out to newer woodworkers and less complex projects. Behind what they say, there's an idea that even "simple" projects have a lot going on behind the scenes. Which means that to be a successfuly project, the designer has been a lot of time and effort making it so.
I appreciate their work and what it means for my own woodworking journey.
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Also mentioned on today's show:
Milky the Marvelous Milking Cow
Dillon's triple threat wall lamp
Wendell Castle's stacked lamination
The Shaker Legacy by Christian Becksvoort
Dillon's Shaker Day Bed