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ShopNotes Podcast 141 — Buy Once, Cry Once

By: Phil Huber
There's more to buying tools for your workshop than clicking 'buy.'

Logan offers a case study in buys workshop machines. He bought a new-to-him lathe — it was 400 miles from his home. Why this lathe? Why now? What did he think he was doing?

Buying tools

Outboard turning attachment for Logan's lathe. Vikmark outboard turning

John and Phil share their tool buying strategies with wins and misses along the way.

Free Plan: Are these the best-ever sawhorses? Maybe. Phil thinks so. Make a set and find out for yourself.

The podcast is possible because of the support you provide by subscribing to ShopNotes magazine. Get four issues a year delivered straight to your device to make your shop the workshop of your dreams.

Published: Jan. 6, 2023
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Topics: workshop

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Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality.


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