On this episode, we follow up with John on his shop clean up. Our different communities handle spring clean up in different ways. How does yours?
As the weather warms, we discuss the apparant need for ultra-traction crocs for mowing and other summer activities. I hope you're listening Crocs. Logan needs some Dura-grip crocs.
This week involved filming another episode of the Woodsmith Shop. We visited a project from an old issue of Popular Woodworking, a Craftsman Style tool cabinet. Instead of using spalted maple for the doors, we used some quarter-sawn sycamore that Logan milled a few summers ago.
In other news, Phil wrapped up his handplane build. A quick sharpen of the blade and this "rough cut plane" is taking whispy thin shavings. Do you have any tools you've made that have out-performed your expectations?
Finally - we hit on the upcoming issue of Popular Woodworking. It involves a chainsaw milling article, a shaker side table, and this sweet little Ash tea cabinet that Dillon designed and built.
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