One of my main goals in planning the projects for Woodsmith is to get more people exposed to home woodworking.
The projects and instructions found in Woodsmith, in our plans, and shown on videos give woodworkers of all skills levels the confidence to build with success.
Once those projects are built, even more people benefit from the projects — and learn how fun woodworking can be. That's where we try to be a little more creative in developing projects. The table skittles game in this issue offers a great example. It’s a lot of fun to play and is a unique game that most people aren’t familiar with.
I learned about it from a website that chronicles the world of English pub games: Shove It, Chuck It, Toss It. Check out the site. There are a lot of fun-looking games that I wasn't familiar with. And maybe more project ideas.
Our Shop Manager, Marc Hopkins, comes from Coventry, England, offers the Woodsmith staff a personal connection with the game.