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Clamping & Gluing

These useful clamping and gluing tricks can help you avoid sticky situations.

Threaded Knob Riser

Threaded Knob Riser

Here's a Little Improvement on a Great Tip. Read More

Mitered Frame Clamping

Mitered Frame Clamping

Here's a Simple Way to Control Mitered Corners when Gluing up a Frame Read More

Squeezeout Free Gluing

Squeezeout Free Gluing

Here's an Easy Way to Control Glue Clean Up in Corners. Read More

Shop-Made Knob

Shop-Made Knob

It's Easy to get a Grip with this Shop-Made Knob. Read More

Glue Brush Holder

Glue Brush Holder

This is an Easy Way to Control some of the Mess of Working with Glue. Read More

Band Clamp Extender

Band Clamp Extender

An Easy Way to Extend Your Band Clamp. Read More

S-Shaped Bench Dog

S-Shaped Bench Dog

These oddly shaped dogs can be handy accessories to use with your workbench to securely hold onto a workpiece but … Read More

Budget Veneer Press

Budget Veneer Press

A Perfect Little Veneer Press for your Shop. Read More

Shop-Made Panel Clamps

Shop-Made Panel Clamps

These Clamps Work Just Fine to Glue Up Panels. Read More

V-Shaped Bench Dogs

V-Shaped Bench Dogs

I get a lot of use out of my bench dogs, but they don’t always cooperate with odd shapes. When … Read More

Wedge Your Edge

Wedge Your Edge

While most glueups are as easy as aligning the pieces and tightening the clamps, some projects require more innovative solutions. … Read More

Band Clamp Corner Guards

Band Clamp Corner Guards

An easy way to protect the corners of your project while gluing it up with Band Clamps. Read More

Clamp Storage

Clamp Storage

Here's a way to keep those trusty F clamps in order and close at hand. Read More

Clamp Storage Help

Clamp Storage Help

Maximize your clamp storage with this layered rack. Read More

Surgical Tube Clamp

Surgical Tube Clamp

Common clamps don't always work to put the squeeze on odd-shaped parts, so here is an easy solution for awkward … Read More