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In the Shop

Whether it’s a simple trick for holding a workpiece better, or a way to get a little more from your dust collector, we’ve gathered some of the best shop tips here.

Fold-Down Worktable

Fold-Down Worktable

This space-saving workbench sets up in seconds. Read More

Supporting Long Boards

Supporting Long Boards

An old-school tool saves the day. Read More

Cutting Accurate Angles

Cutting Accurate Angles

This miter saw jig makes quick work of acute angles. Read More

Multipurpose Hold-Down

Multipurpose Hold-Down

This simple accessory adds accuracy and safety. Read More

Cutting Large Openings

Cutting Large Openings

Here's a foolproof way to make smooth openings. Read More

Making Perfect Templates

Making Perfect Templates

The key to quickly making identical parts. Read More

Workbench Sidekick

Workbench Sidekick

Support long boards clamped in your vise. Read More

Versatile Workbench Helper

Versatile Workbench Helper

For hand tool work, a traditional bench hook does it all. Read More

Layout Trick for Smooth Curves

Layout Trick for Smooth Curves

The secret is a piece of string. Read More

Scroll Saw Upgrade

Scroll Saw Upgrade

Low-cost add-on keeps workpiece clear of dust. Read More

Featherboard Upgrade

Featherboard Upgrade

Shop-made blocks tackle tall parts. Read More

Versatile Layout Tools

Versatile Layout Tools

These simple templates make rounding corners and drawing circles a snap. Read More

Quick & Easy Plywood Cases

Quick & Easy Plywood Cases

Simple, Sturdy Joinery Makes Construction a Snap. Read More

Space-Saving Workstation

Space-Saving Workstation

Fold-Down Tool Stands Help You Make The Most of Shop Space. Read More

Workshop Reminders

Workshop Reminders

A handy way to keep track of your project Read More