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Layout Window

By: Woodsmith staff
To get great-looking projects, you need to find the best grain patterns for each piece. Here's an adjustable frame that helps make that process easier.

When laying out workpieces for a project, I like to make sure all the pieces will have the best appearance. But it’s sometimes hard to visualize what the grain of finished piece will look like. So I devised this simple jig. To use the jig, loosen the nuts and move the L-shaped pieces so that the inside dimensions match the fi nished dimensions of the workpiece. Then tighten the nuts to hold things together. Now you can move over to your stock. Place the jig on the board and move it around until the best grain pattern for the workpiece appears in the “window.” You’ll want to take your time and experiment with different positions before deciding on the best option. Then just use your pencil to trace out the piece. This jig has proven so useful I also use it for selecting the bestlooking panels for doors. Finally, the jig comes in handy when I use hardwood plywood or veneers for projects. I can home in on the perfect piece for my project.

The jig helps you “frame” the workpiece for the best look before cutting it out. The jig is made from scrap plastic laminate that I cut into four L-shaped pieces. I routed a slot down the middle of each leg. Then the pieces are held together with screws, washers, and knurled nuts.

Published: March 5, 2015
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