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Learn to Fold a Band Saw Blade

By: Woodsmith staff
Coiling a band saw blade for storage can seem like wrestling an alligator. Here's a tried-and-true way to get the job done without any scratches.

Ask three different woodworkers this question and you’re likely to get five different answers. The truth is that there are several ways to fold up a band saw blade. And they all result in a flat, coiled blade that’s easy to store. The method you use really comes down to a matter of preference. That being said, here’s the method that I first learned (and still prefer to use). Start by holding the blade in front of you, with the teeth pointing away from you. (A pair of leather gloves to protect your hands is a good idea.) Your right thumb should be behind the blade and your left thumb in front of the blade.

Now bend your hands at the wrists, in opposite directions. Bend your right hand down and your left hand up. The blade will start folding into a double twist.

While you’re twisting the blade, gradually bring your hands toward each other. The blade will start to coil up on its own — all you have to do is follow along.

The blade will fold up into three smaller loops. Then you can grasp the loops in both hands and even them up so that the blade is in a nice, neat circle. Finally, to prepare the blade for storage, just secure it with a couple of twist ties or pieces of tape. One last note. You’ll want to be especially careful when unfolding a band saw blade. The blade can suddenly spring open, causing scratches or cuts.

Published: July 9, 2015
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