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Simple Blade Sharpening Jig

By: Erich Lage
Here's an accurate way to keep those over-sized plane irons sharp.

W210 006f01 Some plane blades are too wide to sharpen with my honing guide. Instead, I use the shop-made guide you see above. W210 007a01 It’s made from a glued-up wood block cut at an angle to match the bevel of the plane blade. Two inner pieces are notched to house nylon wheels, while a knob and washers on top hold the plane blade in place.


W210 007a01 d01 With the guide sitting on a flat surface, place the plane blade on top, bevel side down, and tighten the threaded knob. Roll the guide back and forth on the abrasive surface to sharpen. W210 006f01 detail W210 007a01 d03 Loosen the knob and adjust the blade to maintain contact with the surface if needed.

Published: Dec. 16, 2020
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