I’m always looking for creative ways to use leftover materials in my shop. One I came up with recently involves anchor bolts — the L-shaped fasteners that are used to cinch sill plates to concrete foundations. They became the main ingredient in a storage rack that combines the best attributes of a shelf and a hook.
These bolts, combined with a length of 2x4 framing lumber for the mounting cleat, allow me to store clamps and hang hoses with ease.
For my setup, I spaced the holes as shown in the drawing above, but you can adjust them based on your needs. Screw the rack to wall studs, using fasteners of the appropriate size. With the rack firmly attached, you can hang a load of clamps, hoses, or whatever you like, and none of the items will roll off.
Then drill the counterbores and holes needed, as shown in the detail above.
To mount the anchor to the cleat, run a hex nut all the way onto the anchor bolt thread until it stops, add a flat washer, and insert that end into the hole on the mounting cleat. Put a flat washer and another hex nut onto the bolt from the back (counterbored) side, and cinch it tight. Make sure to hold the end of the bolt upright while tightening.