Glue Bottle Maintenance.
When refilling bottles of glue, John Welch of Springfield, OH, adds an extra level of protection. He coats the threads with lip balm, (petroleum jelly also works). This prevents a bond from forming between the glue bottle and the cap.
Dowel Sizing.
Sidney Phillips of Melville, NY, has a simple way of determining the size of dowels and other odd-sized parts. He starts by setting his combination square at an inch mark. Then he traps the dowel with an additional square. Where the squares intersect reveals the diameter of the dowel.
Drawer Location Labels.
After going through a lot of effort matching the grain patterns on the drawer fronts of his new tool chest, Mack Brown of Spokane, WA, wanted to make sure all this effort showed through on the finished project. So he wrote the drawer locations on the underside of each drawer. He then had no problem installing the drawers in proper relation to each other.