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Bonus Router Table Storage

By: John Doyle
I was looking for some extra storage in the shop when I came up with this use for the open space between the legs of my router table using a few scraps and some pegboard.

I started by making a frame to span the gap. You can see the dimensions I used below, but to make your own just match it to the dimensions of your router table.

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Next, I screwed a piece of pegboard across the bottom, keeping items securely inside. The “door” on this little cabinet is a key-holed panel of pegboard.

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The key holes allow the panel to easily slide on and off when I need something from inside, and the pegboard itself allows me some vertical storage too.

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Using L-hooks with the pegboard panel allows plenty of hanging storage for items like wrenches and router table inserts too.

Published: March 29, 2022
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