I make a lot of wood toys. This frequently requires routing profiles on small round parts. To safely work with these parts at the router table, I made the guide shown here.
This guide serves as a fence for the parts and helps keep my fingers away from the spinning bit. The polycarbonate guard offers a clear view of the bit.
V-notch. The guide is made of plywood. The base has a V-notch cut in it which intersects an elongated hole. The V-notch and the hole provide clearance for the router bit. A pair of threaded knobs and economy T-nuts are mounted in slots on the back and attach the guide to the router fence. The polycarbonate guard is attached with two panhead screws.
To use the guide, the economy T-nuts are slid into the T-track in the fence and the knobs tightened down. The fence can then be adjusted to position the guide for the diameter of the workpiece that you’ll be routing. The width of the V-notch can be customized for the diameter of workpieces that you usually work with.
Slots in the back allow the jig to be moved up and down for working on different thickness of materials.