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Quick Tips Vol. 30

By: Erich Lage
Here are some Tips you can use every day in your Shop.

Axis Limits

4 27 01 Shane Burk of Lubbock, TX installs a pencil into the chuck on his CNC head. This way, he can draw axis limits on his CNC bed and pre-draw part locations on his worksurface. By pre-drawing, Shane can maximize his material and make sure his parts fit before he cuts.

Cheaper Sweeper

4 27 03 Steve Schroeder of Waukesha, WI discovered that a door sweep makes the perfect cleanup brush. The sweeps are available in long lengths and are inexpensive. By cutting a piece into shorter lengths, Steve now has a brush at each tool.

Makeup Dispenser

4 27 05 Bob Zimmerman of Des Moines, IA uses a self-dispensing makeup container to hold solvents that he uses in his shop. The dispenser has a pump top so Bob can grab a towel and push it on the lid. This loads the towel with the perfect amount of solvent.

Paint Roller Paper Towel Holder

4 27 07 Joe Kern of Atkins, IA gets a little extra mileage from a spare paint roller. He found it serves as the perfect holder for a roll of paper towels when it’s not in use. He hangs it close to his workbench, and now a roll of paper towels is always close at hand.

Published: April 27, 2023
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Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality.


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