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Storage & Organization: Shop Valet

By: John Doyle
There are a few items you almost always need when starting your shop time. Building this small organizer helps you know exactly where to find them.

Over the years, I’ve gotten into a shop routine. It starts by putting on my equipment— safety glasses, my apron, hearing protection, and then throwing my tape measure and pencil into my apron pocket. That everyday-carry was the inspiration for building this shop valet.

Simple Construction. As you can see in the photo, the valet is simply a shelf with a couple of pegs. The pegs are designed to hold my apron and hearing protection. 6 22 3 The shelf is easy to build. The parts are made from some scrap softwood and glued together. The pegs are simply glued into holes drilled in the back. 6 22 5 Routed Recesses. The one thing that might not be apparent is the recesses routed into the top of the shelf. I routed three different recesses to hold the accessories I use all the time. They give each item a home and that way I don’t waste time looking for my pencil or tape measure, because we all know how much time that can take. 6 22 7 The recesses in the shelf are sized to fit a tape measure, a pencil, and safety glasses, but could be customized to fit other items.

Published: June 22, 2023
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