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Band Saw Dust Collection

By: Logan Wittmer
A Great Way To Control Dust at the Band Saw.

07 06 01 I love my band saw. What I don’t love is the dust it makes. Even though it has a collection port, it didn’t work well. So, I came up with the solution seen here. 07 06 03 My idea was to build a dust shroud that collects the dust from around the underside of the table. The shroud is made of plywood and shaped to fit around the saw trunnions. 07 06 05 It has two layers. The first is a spacer layer to create room for dust collection. The second layer is the base and it has a dust collection fitting installed on it. With the shroud secured in place with a bead of silicone, there’s a lot less dust.

Published: July 6, 2023
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