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Bench Top Dust Filter

By: Logan Wittmer
Every Little Bit Helps When it Comes to Dust Control.

07 20 01 In my shop, I take dust collection seriously. I like to collect as much dust as I can. Using a fan with a filter is a trick that’s been floating around for a while. However, it was always a pain to attach the filter to the fan. So, I built this bracket to hold an electrostatic, reusable filter. The filter can quickly be taken out and washed, without the need to unscrew it or peel off double-sided tape. 07 20 03 The bracket is built out of plywood, and the back is sized to match the fan. The spacers along the edge are made out of hardwood with a plywood lip. I notched the bottom of the back to slip over the power cord. 07 20 05 The notch is cut for the power cord, but can be adjusted to fit your fan.

Firmly Attached. The entire filter holder is held to the fan with sheet metal screws, screwed into the frame. Now, it’s much easier to keep the air in my shop clean.

Published: July 20, 2023
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