Getting a 90° edge on a card scraper has always given me a problem. So, I decided to build a jig to help me create a square edge.
Diamond Plate Holder. The jig incorporates a plywood base that cradles a diamond lapping plate. A pair of cleats keep the plate from sliding. To hold the scraper square, I attached a fence that’s covered with laminate. To hold the card scraper, I built a clamp using plywood and a couple of bolts and knobs. And a handle provides a secure grip.
In Use. Using the jig is straightforward. I place a card scraper into the clamp and tighten down the knob to secure it. Then, I can hold the clamp against the fence as I hone the edge using back and forth movements. The laminate reduces friction and wear. After a few swipes, the scraper is ready for burnishing.