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Renewable Push Block

By: Logan Wittmer
Here's a shop-made push block that can have a very long life.

8 31 01 After years of making throw away push blocks for my table saw, I decided I wanted to make a forever push block. It needed to be more stable while in use, and have a replacable base once it gets chewed up. The design I came up with has components that do that and is adjustable for different thicknesses of stock. 8 31 03 Dovetailed Inserts. The push block has two sacrificial parts, one on the bottom and one on the back. The heel pushes the stock and has a slot cut in it for a studded knob. The knob can be used to adjust the heel for different thicknesses of stock. 8 31 05 The base and heel are dovetailed onto the handle and slide off for easy replacement. When I make these parts, I always make a couple of feet worth so I can quickly replace them when they get chewed up.

Published: Aug. 31, 2023
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