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Hardwood Z-Clips

By: John Doyle
Accounting for the ways wood moves is one thing that often crosses my mind when working on a project. The shop-made fasteners you see here are my answer for attaching solid-wood tops.

These are nothing more than blocks of wood that are rabbeted to form a tongue on one end. This tongue then fits into a kerf in the rails.

Screenshot 2023-09-24 221316

To make the fasteners, I start by planing down a long, 3⁄4"-wide blank. Using a straight bit at the router table or dado blad at the table saw, cut a rabbet on the ends of the strip to create a 1⁄8" tongue. After drilling a pilot hole for the screw, you can cut the fastener to length.

Screenshot 2023-09-24 221432

Published: Sept. 28, 2023
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