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Straightedge Jointer

By: Erich Lage & Logan Wittmer
This is A Simple Way To Get A Straight Edge On A Crooked Board.

9 28 01 In my shop, I don’t have a jointer. So, when I need to get a straight edge on a piece of stock, I have to get a little creative. One of the easiest ways I found was to use my table saw with a modified straight-edge guide, like you see above. 9 28 03 A Modification. To use my straightedge guide, I modified the clamping foot. I trimmed the plastic off one side so there was a continuous straightedge that I could run up against the fence. Then, to use it, I clamp it on the board and guide the now straight, flush edge against the fence on the table saw. This leaves me with a straight edge on the opposite edge of the board.

Published: Sept. 28, 2023
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