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Can Crusher

By: Erich Lage & Logan Wittmer
Here's a Way to Put a Crushing Blow to Cans in need of Recycling.

03 07 01 Over the last few months, I’ve been on the lookout for shop projects to do with my kids. So consider this one a tip to get the kids building something. 03 07 03 Can crusher. As you can see, the crusher is built out of Baltic birch plywood. It consists of a jaw, anvil, track, and a foot lever. The parts are all easily cut at the band saw, which is okay for a kid to do with a little supervision. The lever is connected to the jaw with aluminum bars and a pivot pin. There’s a handful of parts here, so for additional drawings and dimensions, visit 03 07 05 After the kids have assembled it, we hung it on a wall out in the shop near the recycle can. Then, for the next few hours, the kids ran around the house looking for every can they could find to crush and put in the recycle bin. So, this is not only a tip to get the kids in the shop, but to also help you clean up and keep them occupied.

Published: March 7, 2024
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