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Glue Brush Holder

By: Erich Lage & Logan Wittmer
This is an Easy Way to Control some of the Mess of Working with Glue.

03 28 01 On a recent visit to the website Etsy, I discovered a woodworker selling cigar holders. While I don’t smoke cigars, I thought it was a clever idea to hold my glue brush during glueups. 03 28 05 X-wing. The small X-shaped holder is made from plywood scraps half lapped together, and is the perfect place to rest a glue brush during an assembly, as you see in the photo. I drilled a recess for a disposable plastic glue cup. 03 28 02 On the bottom, I installed a large dowel so I can slip the glue holder into a dog hole to keep it in place. Now, glueups just got a whole lot easier, and cleaner.

Published: March 28, 2024
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