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Quick Tips Vol. 39

By: Erich Lage & Logan Wittmer
A Quartet of Tips to Make Shop Life Easier

Dull Edges

05 16 01 Larry Hilton of Green Bay, WI was having a problem remembering which edges of his carbide turning tools he had used. To leave himself a reminder, Larry now colors the dull edge of the carbide tool before he rotates it. That way, when he needs a fresh, sharp edge, he knows which edges he’s already used.

Power Strip Mounting

05 16 03 Sarah Vallient of Princeton, MO found it frustrating to get screws correctly spaced for the slots on the back of power strips. As a simple solution, Sarah discovered that she could cover the strip with a piece of masking tape and use a marker to mark the slot locations. Then, she can peel the tape off and put it on the mounting surface. 05 16 04a The marks on the tape make it easy to drill and drive the screws in the correct spot.

Apron Helper

05 16 05 Carol Roy of Grand Rapids, MI Carol found herself switching between a drill bit and driver on a recent project. Instead of putting the bits in her apron pocket only to get buried in dust, Carol used a pair of magnets clipped to her apron. That way, Carol can snap the bit, driver, and screws on the front of her apron.

Foam Painter’s Points

05 16 07 Seth Deitrich of Port Hillard, MA needed a few painter’s points when finishing a project. Seth utilized some polystyrene scraps he had laying around his shop. By driving a long screw through squares of foam, they create the perfect, quick painter’s points. The foam holds the screw so it doen’t fall over, and you can support the piece without marring the freshly finished surface.

Published: May 16, 2024
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