Times Where a Propane Torch Might Be Handy

flame from a household gas burner with a ballon on a black background
A propane torch also known as a blow torch is a perfect tool for performing various tasks due to its safety, reliability, and ease of use. It utilizes propane gas and an igniter to create a flame and produce a high volume of heat. It is available in various sizes, from a small handheld torch used in cooking and baking to a larger piece of equipment with a propane gas tank. The size of the propane torch, fuel type, and propane gas source depends on the application. Keeping this in mind, we have listed some common scenarios where you can use a propane torch.
When you light a propane torch, a pale blue flame is produced at an extremely high temperature that can quickly meet the soldering wire or welding rod. Since the heat generated is exceptionally high in amount, appropriate caution should be exercised to prevent any fatal accident. In larger torches, a mixture of oxygen and propane is used as it can produce a flame with significantly higher temperature and heat.
A propane torch is quite versatile, and you can use it for many real-time applications. In the below section, we have explained some of the significant applications of this torch in household and commercial areas:
Burning weeds
Thanks to its powerful flame, a propane torch lets you burn weeds in your garden easily. This way, you won’t have to use any chemical that might make the soil infertile.
Melting paint coat
When you want to repaint the iron fence around your house, you can use a propane torch to melt the paint coating and expose the metal surface. The flame’s temperature easily melts the paint or varnish coat without damaging iron. It also prevents the metal surface from becoming rougher, enabling you to apply the new paint layer easily.
Welding is one of the most common fabrication techniques used for joining thermoplastics and metals. Since a propane torch can create an extremely hot flame, you can use it to effectively melt the welding electrode and join the workpieces. But make sure to use all the safety equipment because welding involves a high risk of injury.
Unscrewing bolt fasteners
When a metal absorbs heat, the temperature rises due to which it expands. Owing to this physical phenomenon, you can use a propane torch to unscrew the bolt fasteners. Lower the flame to avoid damaging the hardware components and direct the flame at the junction of the bolt and nut. After applying heat for a couple of seconds, you can see the bolt getting loose, allowing you to unscrew it with ease.
Waterproof roof installation
Often professionals use a propane torch to install bitumen sheets on the roof. Firstly, they lay down the sheets flat and direct the flame toward the edges. Due to the high temperature, the bitumen sheets melt from the seams and adhere to the roof’s surface to form a strong and durable waterproof cover.
You can also use a propane torch in woodworking. When you apply the flame over a wooden surface from an appropriate distance, it can transform a simple workpiece into vintage wood.
Since a propane torch has a wide array of applications, bringing one to your home or office will make your life easier. But make sure to check if the chosen torch is suitable for your application or not. Also, you should get all the safety requirements before using it because handling a propane torch without precaution might lead to accidents.